The ALPR Lite is inspired by ALPR+ plugin by @Stealth22. But, due to FPS drop issue, I decided to develop my own ALPR plugin for LSPDFR.
What makes it different:
Designed and created with performance and optimization in mind
This plugin is very light weight, thus almost NO FPS DROP when using it
Realistic 4 detection angles. Front-Left (F-L), Front-Right (F-R), Rear-Left (R-L), and Rear-Right (R-R)
It will sound a weak beep everytime it reads the vehicle license plate
It will sound a long beep when vehicle has an alert on it
Vehicle related alerts: Registration status (none or expired), Insurance status (none or expired), Stolen vehicle
Vehicle's owner related alerts: Owner has outstanding warrant (wanted), Owner driving license status (none, expired, or suspended)
Configurable alerts probability (in the .ini file)
ALPR will be automatically suspended during pursuit or†traffic stop
You may enable or disable individual ALPR camera (configurable in the .ini file)
Blip the alerted vehicle on the map (can be disabled in the .ini file). You may also configure the blip duration
v1.5.4.2 (latest) - If you're upgrading, just replace the "dll" file with the new version
Added compatibility support for LSPDFR 0.4.9
Added support for the new verification protocol
v1.5.4.1 - If you're upgrading, just replace the "dll" file with the new version
New Feature. ALPR Lite will be automatically suspended when player is accepting and performing a callout
v1.5.4.0 - If you're upgrading, just replace the "dll" file with the new version
Improvement. Small tweaks to improve game performance
v1.5.3.2 - If you're upgrading, just replace the "dll" file with the new version
Improvement. Added special handling to synchronize the owner license and wanted status which are not updated properly caused by GTAV/LSPDFR ambient ped behavior
Download v1.5.4.2 - Updated August, 2nd 2021
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