The callout pack contains eight callouts which have the theme of "Attempted Crime". It means the crimes that haven't been occurred yet.
Rape Attempt Callout. You will meet the rape attempt victim and interact with her in several ways
Kidnapping Attempt Callout. You will approach a kidnapping suspect in several ways
Car Theft Attempt Callout. You will arrive at the scene and watch how the suspect perform his action to steal a car and apprehend him with a few possible outcomes
Arson Attempt Callout. You will meet an angry guy who is ready to scorce fire. Please stop him before bad things happen!
Heist Attempt Callout. A group of people made a heist plan to rob a bank. You must stop them!
Assassination Attempt Callout. A citizen saw a "Hitman"-like agent tried to kill someone. Find him and prevent the assassin in his action!
Bombing Attempt Callout. Someone is carrying an object which looks like a bomb. Find and stop him if he planned to explode it!
Bank Robbery Attempt. A heavily armed suspect is trying to rob a bank. Please proceed with caution!
v1.7.2.1 (latest) - If you're upgrading, replace the "dll" file
Added compatibility support for LSPDFR 0.4.9
Added support for the new verification protocol
v1.7.2.0 - If you're upgrading, replace the "dll" file
Improvement. On "Kidnapping Attempt Callout", now you can trigger dialog with the suspect (using Y key) during traffic stop
Improvement. On "Heist Attempt Callout", now you can trigger dialog with the suspect (using Y key) during traffic stop
Improvement. On "Rape Attempt Callout", now you can trigger dialog with the suspect (using Y key) during traffic stop
Improvement. On "Car Theft Attempt Callout", added more outcomes
Improvement. On "Bank Robbery Attempt Callout", reduced the probability of suspect armed with "minigun"
Improvement. Compatibility and performance tweaks on all callouts to improve the gameplay
Download v1.7.2.1 - Updated August, 2nd 2021
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