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Stop The Ped (v4.9.5.2)

Writer: BejoIjoBejoIjo

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Basically, "Stop The Ped" is a plugin which contains so many essential replacements and additions for the policing functionality in vanilla LSPDFR.

This plugin provides almost the same functionality which allows you to stop the peds.

There's also an additional stop at gunpoint feature which have softer arrest gesture (kneel down instead of kissing the ground on vanilla LSPDFR).

Also available are the additional features to pat down the suspect and provide gun permit. And so many more!


  • To comfortably Stop the ped: Stop the nearest ped peacefully (only one ped at a time) or Stop the ped at gunpoint (while aiming your weapon at the ped)

  • You may stop the next nearest ped by doing the same command

  • Using menu, you may: Ask ped's ID, Issue warning, Question the Ped, Follow Me, Take the ped from behind (grab), Pat Down the ped, Conduct Breathalyzer test, Conduct drug swab test, Arrest the ped, Release the arrested ped, Ask ped to kneel down or get up, Request nearby Police Buddy (from Ultimate Backup) to watch the ped, Request escort vehicle for the ped (Taxi, Uber, Ambulance, or Police Transport)

  • The stopped ped will have a yellow blip with "human" icon. The arrested ped will have the red blip

  • Stop the ped on the vehicle. The ped will comply as long as the vehicle is not moving

  • The ped may flee if we attempt to arrest them. You may set the probability in the .ini file

  • Notify the player when the ped is intoxicated (alcohol or narcotics)

  • When you walk close to any police car, the arrested ped who is following you or being grabbed, might be put into the vehicle using menu

  • You may ask the arrested ped to get out of the car and follow you using "E" key

  • This plugin will also injects "Stop The Ped" menu into all peds who are arrested using LSPDFR vanilla gunpoint stop or ped stop (configurable in the .ini file)

  • Compatible with Computer+. When you give the citation (using Computer+ shortcut key) to stopped ped, they will be dismissed automatically

  • Player may ask Police Buddy from "On Scene Backup" to pat down, perform tests, or arrest the suspect (requires "On Scene Backup" plugin).

  • You can trigger a pursuit by just aiming the ped with your gun and double press "T" key or "DPadUp" button

  • Integration with PoliceSmartRadio or Vocal Dispatch

  • You can also self transport a suspect to nearest jail. When you choose to escort suspect by yourself to cell,

  • Make realistic ped age based on the model. You will no longer see a 63 years old chick (when checking her ID). (If you install STP, you won't need "Proper Ped Age" anymore)

  • New Context Menu. When you approach and stand next to any Ped or vehicle, you may open this menu by pressing "G" key or controller button "DPadLeft + A".

  • With this menu, you can: Stop the ped, Ask the ped to go, Perform CPR,Search/frisk the dead ped body, Search the vehicle, Call Coroner (for dead ped), Call Animal Control, Call Tow service, Call Insurance Service, Slow down traffic, Stop traffic

  • You can tackle the ped in pursuit while you chasing them (default key="Backspace" button="B")

  • You can run faster by using sprint boost feature so you won't be outrun by those criminals anymore! (default key="Enter" button="Y"). You can also set the boost duration (default 3 seconds) in the .ini file.

  • Stop The Ped "Persistency" module will prevent the despawned of nearby dead bodies and empty vehicles by the game engine. This will help you to manage the crime scene with comfort.

  • Traffic Stop Menu with built in custom-able questions (in xml file), which can be opened during a pull over. You may open it by pressing the "E" key (the main STP key) or via the context menu


v4.9.5.2 (latest)

  • Added compatibility support to fix tow truck issue. This release fixed "unable to call tow truck" issue when using the latest GTA/RPH update.


  • Added compatibility supports for the latest RPH, LSPDFR, and "GTA V The Contract" updates

  • Fixed Bug. The game always crashes to desktop (CTD) when calling Tow Truck

  • Upgrading note: replace "dll" file with the new version


  • New Feature. Added ability to stop a vehicle while player is on foot. (Useful when you want to perform DUI checkpoint role playing)

    • To perform traffic stop on foot, you need to activate the slow down or stop the traffic

    • Move closer to the target vehicle and then double press E key (STP main interaction key)

    • After the vehicle is stopped, you may go closer to the right or left side of vehicle to open the Traffic Stop Menu

    • In case the vehicle is stopped in the middle of the road, there's also a new function on the Traffic Stop Menu to ask the driver to drive the vehicle and follow you to a safer place

    • When performing stop vehicle on foot, player will raise a parking wand. This can be enabled/disabled through the configuration parameter in the ini file (OnFootTrafficUseWand)

  • Improvement. Tweaked the Stop Traffic and Slowdown Traffic functionality to be more reliable

  • Improvement. Coroner will also clean the blood pool on the ground after taking the dead bodies

  • Upgrading note: replace "dll" file with the new version


  • Added compatibility support for LSPDFR 0.4.9

  • Added support for the new verification protocol

  • Upgrading note: replace "dll" file with the new version


  • Improvement. Implemented better system resource management for displaying ped mugshot/headshot, since GTA V would crash when it reaches max limit

  • Fixed Bug. The translated Gun License and Gun Permit text from localization was not displayed properly

  • Upgrading note: replace "dll" file, add "Localization.ini" (if you haven't had it)


  • New Feature. Added Language and localization support. You may edit "StopThePed\Localization.ini" file to customize it

  • Improvement. Now the Date/Time format (e.g. ped's birthday) should follow Windows Region Settings

  • Upgrading note: replace "dll" file, add "Localization.ini"

Download v4.9.5.2 - Updated March 9th, 2024

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